WSP / Bosnia

Mapping the transit networks of Sarajevo

Project Manager


WSP and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are working on a major transport infrastructure project in the Canton of Sarajevo. They contracted us to run the survey portion of the public transport analysis, which included (1) mapping all the transport modes in the city — tramway, trolleybus, bus and minibus — and (2) conducting surveys at six strategic locations around the city to understand commuter behaviours and travel choices.

Digitalising ridership data from the tram and trolleybus system provided WSP with the ground truth of mobility in Sarajevo. Our data supported:

  • The identification of routes which would benefit from new rolling stock
  • Evaluations of induced additional passenger demand and users continuing to use public transport over private vehicles
  • Demand forecasting and cost-benefit analysis models for fleet renewals
  • Improved understanding of the financial impact of upgrading Sarajevo’s transport system
  • Evidence-based recommendations for Sarajevo’s transport network stakeholders

This data was essential for creating an accurate and reliable due diligence report in support of an infrastructure investment loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Photos: Beautiful view of the mountains surrounding Sarajevo; Local team during the training; Tram stop in the city centre; Tram on a busy street.

Read more about the project in Sarajevo