Development Seed / India

Reopening a country of 1.3B people

Development Seed
Cartography + Code
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On July 14, 2020, India had already more than 900,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Only the US and Brazil had more confirmed cases at that point. India took an aggressive approach to lock down around the country in March 2020 after only a few dozen confirmed cases. After lifting most movement restrictions, cases have rapidly increased in India, particularly in large cities with significant urban slums.

The Story

In collaboration with Development Seed and Mapbox, I built an interactive story leveraging Mapbox Movement Data to look at how the restrictions unfolded in different communities across India. We explored mobility trends pre/post the lockdown announcement, and looked at the high concentration of containment zones in slums and vulnerable areas. Thanks to my colleague Sajjad Anwar for his help with the story.

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