Personal / Montreal

Analyzing electric vehicle charging station occupancy

Scraping, Python, Unfolded
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In June 2022, I collected usage data of charging stations in Montreal from the main networks in Montreal (Circuit Électrique, Flo, Chargepoint). I scraped the results every 30 minutes — 24h for 7 days — from semi-open APIs, with the objective of better understanding the charging station occupancy trends across the city. In total, information from 2,410 ports in 1,062 charging stations was collected.


Several findings can be highlighted from the data analysis;

  • Most of the stations with the highest occupancy rates are located either downtown, in dense areas or on commercial arteries.
  • The stations with the highest occupancy rate include the indoor garage at McGill University (52%), as well as the charging station at the Montreal airport (75%). It would be interesting to validate whether these institutions have EV from their fleet that stay charged for part of the day or night, contributing to the high rates.
  • The heatmap above shows the occupancy density per hour of the day for the duration of the collection. It also reveals that the busiest times are between 8am and 8pm on weekdays.
  • For the study period, the two peaks where nearly one-third of the total number of ports were occupied were at 10:00 am on Thursday and 7:00 pm on Friday.
  • Weekend occupancy rates appear to be lower.
  • The graph above illustrates the average usage trends for a weekday, relative to the location of the stations.
  • It appears that the stations located near restaurants are on average the busiest, with peak usage at noon. For the week studied, 39% of ports near restaurants were in use at 12:30.
  • On-street and retail (off-street) stations more or less follow the average curve.
  • Regardless of location, we can see that station use increases in the early morning, with some fluctuations throughout the day, and a clear reduction after 8:00 pm.